Communicating, marketing, selling, gaining visibility, sharing content, writing posts, maximising your brand’s reach, starting promotions, working from home, optimising your time, tweeting, uploading photos or building your personal brand. These are only some of the things that you can do with the social web and the Internet of things; but I guess you already knew this!

What we don’t see is the other side of the social web; the side that changes it all. How can we dedicate our time to social media yet show no interest or dismiss the importance of people?
That is my favourite part. This is what you can do with this entire new world in front of you:
- Make an impact on the world.
- Develop your professional profile and both your professional and personal skills and competences.
- Create connections and interactive bridges.
- Start-up your business.
- Connect with people you don’t know personally.
- Build a community of people interested in something they have in common.
- Head a charity cause.
- Modify the expected result.
- Study, learn and grow.
- Find a purpose.
- Start a movement that inspires others.
- Start a new business – it’s never been easier or cheaper!
- Gather ideas together and check out what happens when they hit the market.
- Decide how you’re going to help those in need.
- Communicate with and reach anyone you wish.
- Start a revolution.
- Educate people through shared knowledge and experience.
- Share stories that are worth knowing.
- Add value to your industry.
- Create your own story.
- Change people.
How can you do this and more? That’s where you need to step up and work towards this tirelessly.
Reading the above, I think we sometimes don’t realise the times we’re living.
Photo credit: Benoit Tremblay.