/ Social Media, Speaking.

On Friday, September 24th 2010, I’ll be talking about: “Go Social – Social Media Step into a New World of Opportunities”

Empowering Business and Communities Beyond Social

“Isra García, responsible for the project “La dipu en la red”, developed for the County Council of Valencia, encourages you to speak the language of people: “Let’s speak Social Media!”

Enrico Ahrens Solera Program Director (IMBA) in Fundesem Business School.

As the starting point of my talks around Spain and South America, I’ve the pleasure to do it in the Business School, in which I’ve grown up both as a person as a professional.

Who Should attend?

Social media enthusiasts, community managers, marketers (traditional and digital), people from communication and advertising, developers, creatives, 2.0 beings and all kind of folks that want to go deeper in this thing called Social Media and what evolves it.

Why Should you attend?

Because you know that there is something beyond the social-networks. Because we are on the gates to a new marketing world and the way we used to communicate one each other has changed, has evolved into what we know today as Social Media. Because traditional advertising methods are no longer valid as they were before. Because we live in a overly communicated world, and we need to innovate and be remarkable and yes,you guessed, with Social Media, we can do it! Basically, because we are going to move from thinking to doing. You will learn how to draw and integrate some powerful Social Media concepts ( from social media business strategy to social media personal branding, to name a few…) Social Media is a topic in which everybody has an opinion or let’s say, something to say, but scarcely does any body put a solution on the table. Well, I will not tell you how to make a million $, but I will tell you how to use Social Media to keep on track and don’t lose insight.

To those who want to start moving their marketing into alignment with this new world. Go Social with us and discover what it truly means.

Let’s speak the language of the people, let’s speak Social Media


What you’ll learn?

You have heard from everyone that you should get started, ok that is cool. But, now what? Let’s explore some potential concepts and talk about how it could work for you from a significant perspective. At the end, this is about to make business, increase your profits, lower the investment and double the income, more profits with fewer resources. Is not beautiful?

If you believe in Social Media and you attend this conference, you will be able to:

  • Understanding what is social media and if it works for you and your business
  • Having a social media plan for your business to follow
  • Realizing how Social Media changes the communication process in your business model
  • Managing and optimize your time and resources in Social Media
  • Empowering yourself – and why not, your business – using Social Media a potential tool
  • Learning what the best a most useful social media tools are
  • Meeting the social media environment so you will be able to choose what social platforms best meets your needs
  • Restarting all over again using social media as a catalyst for change
  • Learning what to do is helpful, but is much more learning what no to do if you want to live from Social Media
  • Real case studies where you will learn how to develop a Social Media strategy and integrate it in your general strategy
  • How develop and carry out geo-location strategies to amplify the reach of your business services

Are You Coming?

Far away? Busy? No way to make it?

Yo may follow the conference online in Fundesem tv, either in real-time or when you like.


Moreover, you can follow the conference via twitter, through the hashtag #gosocial. It’ll give you the opportunity to join the conversation, even if you can’t attend the event. You just need to find #gososocial and you’ll be ready for asking questions and networking with others.

Make sense?