/ Interview.

Here you have the link to the interview I kept with the people from blur-Marketing

What is blur-Marketing?

blur Marketing is a brilliant-international, crowdsourced marketing london based agency. they’re the leader in digital, social media and experiential marketing with a sizable, diverse Crowd of webbies, creatives and event pros.

We’re (because, I work for them as a freelance sice last Novemeber) the real deal, professionals who can devour your business challenges  with creativity and ship solutions starting in a matter of days (I’m very happy that I’m one of them) . Traditional agencies try to talk at communities, usually failing due to their systems and process based on get the best work at the best rate.

Our Crowd profoundly get digital and ‘Social’ because we live it every day. Simple as that. Challenge us now and you’ll be giving us the reason for living!!

Do you want to know more about this amazing agency? Have a look what they do

The Interview

What a funny interview, I really enjoyed a lot talking about subjects as: Social Media, twitter, crowdsourcing model, nowadays marketers, challenges , top brands, highlights…

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did!

Any questions?