/ Marketing.

Everyone knows that the term marketing is in fashion, so much that this term is applied to any business technique known as the weirdest and sophisticated names on the topic.  Certainly, there is talk of relationship marketing , health marketing, direct marketing, viral marketing and even guerrilla marketing. This unsual but increasingly common situation that has made me reflect and think that I, as a professional in this discipline also had to make my bit in this field.

Everything  started when I was reading Philip Kotler writings about marketing side, then I came to believe that I should give a new name to a practice that I and surely several people have done for a long time but is not yet baptized, the marketing of confrontation. A term that will give plenty of talk about their strong connotations in the success of the business world.
It takes time to identify the marketing strategy in a chess game where the board is the market and the rival in front of us is our competition. But I often question myself, do we know who really is our competition in this strategic game, whose objective is  increasing sales? When people ask who is their competition, for example, from McDonald`s, always get the same answer: Burger King, but … why do not we talk about Vips, Pans & Company, Knee, traditional restaurants, or even – I dare to  say our house-  when we go to eat? Because we must not forget that the competition does not have an exact appeareance, but it has many forms, which like a sheet of chess has to be moved in  different ways. This is assault marketing, knowing strategically all our planning moves in order to beat our rivals, because if we act impulsive, we just play a simple game of checkers.

Indeed, as the bestselling authors of  “Thinking Strategically” Pods K. Dixit and Barry J. Nolebuff the strategy is the art of overcoming the adversary knowing that he/she is trying to do the same with you.
Of similar criteria and working in parallel on this issue, I read about  Major Roberto consultando Ajedrez, creator of the concept of  “Chess in Business,” which changed my mind about the whole concept of chess and lead me to start on promoting the importance of this strategic stake in the world of business.
And here is where assault  marketing acquires its full meaning, since it is necessary checkmate the king to achieve our goal and position successfully in the business world, struggling permanently with the competition- not only directly- but global and examining closely all the movements of the board, ie the market- our field of action. Therefore, if we want to be really competitive, we  should learn to play chess or whatever it is,  do assault marketing, and bring into play our best strategy game. Surely, we will win the game ¡¡!