The real challenge of Social Media isn’t only:
- Create more benefits for companies
- Sell more products or services
- Generate more leads
- Increase your Facebook fans base, twitter following or blog subscriptions
- Divert more traffic to your Website or the conversions as result
- Create, share, exchange, participate, distribute o redistribute content
- Gain more visibility and exposure
- Find a job
[Bonus: you’ll achieve all of this if your work properly, but let’s get deep]
The real challenge of Social Media is creating change in the world we live now, a change that really change to the better, enhance the growth of present and future opportunities. A change that makes a more unified and committed world.
It’s Time
The challenge rests in using the platforms, tools and APPs that social media provides for gathering people with a desire to make something happen and creating movements that help people to overcome difficult situations. Hey! I’m talking about trying to improve the life of people who live on our “particular worlds.” The purpose of Social Media is deeper and more powerful than the list I mentioned above. Egypt, “Pray for Japan“, Haiti, Iran elections, Libia, fighting against the VIH, cancer or even as an organization that uses social media resources for helping people (“Social Good”). This should be the real value of Social Media, to create meaning for people and the world we live in – and also the ones that will come after.
It’s the Opportunity
When you use the Social Web and Social Media you have the opportunity of making a difference, connecting people that want and need to be connected, guiding, leading and following people that want to succeed. It’s also part of the challenge staying human through the Internet, because technology changes, people don’t.
Make use of Social Media to change the world and don’t let Social Media make use of you. Welcome to the era of people, Social Media evolves from a technologically/digitally-driven concept to a more Human approach, focused on the right thing creating value to the world.
How would you use Social Media in order to change your “particular world”?
Photo credit: Ecopreneurist.