Today, we are martyred with productivity, achieving our professional goals, having a tremendous economic return, and winning the battle over time so much that we end up living a life that is not ours. So much so that we end up crushed, depressed and void, so much so that the damage takes years to repair, and sometimes it is even irreversible. That is why integrating the Holistic High-Performance method into our lifestyle is critical.
We can only continue thinking about being great professionals with great businesses and jobs if we are the first great and optimized people. People who are self-aware and worked to the point of satiety. Upright people with a clear and healthy philosophy and a winning lifestyle.
This is where the holistic high-performance method comes in. That is, the work, empowerment, optimization, and finally, balance of the four dimensions that make up the human being:
- Physical.
- Intellectual.
- Emotional.
- Spiritual.
You will become that great person – and a better professional – if you work on each of these dimensions daily. How to do it? Through super-microhabits, core skills, hacks and systems that focus on one or several dimensions at a time.
The Holistic High-Performance Method – Techstars talk
When I was in New York working with Techstars, I had the opportunity to participate in what they call TED-Techstars talk. It’s a TEDx talk but internal. It would be an exceptional opportunity to share the methodology and philosophy of Holistic High Performance with all of them, the American market, and the world. Here you can find (in English – and without subtitles) the exhibition “Holistic High Performance for Everyone”.
[You can also click on the image to go to the video]

Extra: If you want to enter the Holistic High-Performance method path, there are two possibilities. Start practising yourself, experiment with body, mind, spirit and heart, and try different things. Two, sign up to participate in the specialized training program I am preparing. Contact me here and let me know what your preference is.