I often think about how what I do has an impact on people, not only personally but professionally also. In this regard, I believe that creating content is of crucial importance, as is what happens before, during and after the creation, launch and impact processes.

Random thoughts and ideas on content creation
I will share with you some random thoughts and ideas regarding the creation of contents that leave a mark:
- What is your content-creation strategy? – I don’t know what content-creation strategy you follow, if any, but there’s always something you can do to improve the quality of your content so that it is more in line with your community and more useful to your audience. Idea: You could perhaps focus on one type of content and not post with regard to different topics. I’m talking about information that is more in line with your public.
- How do you know whether your actions are connecting and having an impact? Do they really change? – The actions you carry out have an impact on people (the community) and the way you impact and connect will determine the success or failure of your strategy and the coherence of your brand. In any case, if what you do takes you exactly where you want to go, then that’s OK. Otherwise, you’ll have to ask yourself, “What are we not doing so well? How can we improve?” Idea: start by connecting; then connect repeatedly until you manage to grab the attention needed to earn your audience’s trust; a trust that will turn your audience into clients.
- Strategy: try something different – My favourite strategy isn’t being visible. But as I said, if it works for you, that’s OK. There’s always time to change anyway. The key lies in trying to be different. The idea of diversifying contents is excellent. However, perhaps it will work better if your contents are more in line with the audience you’re targeting. To this end, choose a mission for yourself, rather than a plan; the mission is always there where plans or strategies fail. Idea: start by being there always, providing contents that make a contribution, help and are useful to others. Remain “everywhere”: create ways of being present always, adding value. Position yourself where your audience’s radar is looking.
- What comes after content? – The next step after content is interaction. Anything positive that you do will be a great move. – Idea: Answering and clarifying is key. Constant, continued, progressive and human communication with your community is an essential element that works towards the solidity and consolidation of your brand.
- Objective: being extremely useful – Your content should first of all focus on how useful it is to the receiver: you should try for ‘actionable usefulness in a single idea’, whenever possible; such an idea should be able to move your audience, from reading to doing. Make the most of your knowledge and experience on how you do what you do: tips that make a difference. We must be extremely useful, that’s the aim. Inspiration will then come of its own accord. Idea: look at what you do best, something that only a few do as well as you do. That is what you must share as useful content. That is what will change your audience.
Photo credit: ctwmarketing.