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After decades of war, Invisible Children is committed to supporting local leaders in the peaceful recovery of Northern Uganda through our innovative development programs. This will be our legacy.

Secondary and University scholarships

With little access to higher education due to financial hardship, few Northern Ugandans have an opportunity to continue their education past primary school. The scholarship program I’m involved with gives students a chance to attend secondary school and even University. Commit to giving future leaders the chance to rebuild the legacy that was lost in this war

Each activity you complete will help  provide education scholarships to Ugandan children

Here’s what you can do today:

5 Activities = 870 Minutes of school fees to earn

Thanks to Social Vibe, which allows to raise money for the cause INVISIBLE CHILDREN by partnering this time with COFFEE-MATE. It doesn’t cost a dime and only take a few minutes to give.

How to donate (FREE!)

Each time that one of you click in the badge of Invisible Children placed in the column in the middle of my blog to complete a sponsor activity, COFFEE-MATE will make a micro-donation to Invisible Children cause
Never such a little effort has been so rewarding…They will thank you!

Israel Garcia’s
supports Invisible Children

Are you with us? Come on and join our cause.
