/ Social Media, Twitter.

You’ve probably heard about twitscoop a twitter web-client that allows you to search and follow what’s hot. Yeah! This is what everybody says and it’s a similar description to what you can find in the Web, but what’s inside twitsccop?

It all started via twitter, as they tweeted requesting somebody that would agree in doing the translation, so you can imagine who did not doubt even for a second in sending “@ reply”

Once I had the translations ready, they built the Spanish version, which looks great – the twitscoop logo with a tiny spanish flag in its headband – as you can see below in the pic or in the twitscoop site.

As I’d the chance to get close to the people who created this real-time search engine, the Lollicode team, I asked them what really twitscoop was about… Here you have what they said:

Pierre (from twitscoop): “In a few words, twitscoop is the combination of two things:

1. A complex algorithm which scans the twitter statuses around the world (several millions per day!), and displays in real-time  representing what’s being most talked about on twitter. Unlike twitter’s own trending topics, our hot trends are truly in real-time, not moderated and we’ve a spam filter. For instance, The Guardian or the BBC in the UK use twitscoop to make sure they get all the breaking news. We’re first on the news of the plane crash in the Hudson, or Michael Jackson’s death to name just a few events…

2. A web-based twitter client, which is (in our opinion!) a better alternative to twitter’s own website.

We’ve several hundred thousand users, lots of users in Indonesia and Japan since we’ve translated the website in these languages. Up next might be French or Portuguese, depending on who volunteers first to help us out.

We also provide services to marketing firms, brands etc. but this I can’t show too much about…

It was a learning experience having the chance to know a bit more about twitter and how real-time search engines works. I’d like to quote what my US leadership teacher said once “Is OK to be a learner all your life


What do you think about twitscoop?