1. Be gentle, stay calm, keep a positive attitude, choose your beliefs carefully. Understand your bias and aim to comprehend different worldviews than yours.
2. Understand that change means something like: “this is going to bring something better, bigger and ultimately, happier, but it won’t be like lying on the beach, probably”.
3. Your mindset has to send the following message: “the situation is going to change abruptly, the context is going to change really fast, the map is going to change radically, the market is going to change negatively, mi profession is going to change for the worse, my friends are going to change forever. Change itself requires that I change not only at the same pace but faster”.
4. This powerful muscle you have within it’s called the brain, it’s probably the most amazing thing in the world. And guess what? You possess one. Yeah. It’s far resistant, resilient, malleable and surprising than you’ve ever thought.
5. Look, find and talk to your demons.
6. The most difficult part of uncertainty it’s not if you accept uncertainty or not. The part is when you have to be aware of how your amygdala is trying to sabotage, manipulate and control you.
7. You can’t control everything, this is beyond doubt. Read this, you can’t control people, but you can control yourself. You’d better take advantage of it.
8. Belief in something greater than just you. Believe in empowering people through the work you do.
9. Surround yourself from change agents that help you to see what you can’t see.
10. Leap. Leap. Leap.
Keep dancing.