Video interview with Rick Doblin, a world expert in psychedelics (with subtitles)
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“When preparing a psychedelic experience, be ready for whatever is coming out and throw it all away“ – Rick Doblin.
[IG team writes and publishes] – In this new episode, Isra chats with Rick Doblin about psychedelic science, therapy and experience, how MAPS is changing the game, MDMA progress and drug approval, the power of LSD, thoughts on psilocybin, the politics and regulation of psychedelics.

«Come out of the psychedelic closet and share your experience; educate the people around you« – Rick Doblin.
In this conversation, Rick and Isra cover a lot of ground on psychedelics, from setting and preparation and integration to Rick’s best practices, personal LSD, MDMA and psilocybin journeys, and mystical experiences.
«When we dream, we enter a psychedelic space. So start paying attention to your dreams a week or two before. The content of a psychedelic experience often carries over into our dreams«
Who is Rick Doblin?
«Psychedelics are the great tool to avoid another holocaust«
Rick Doblin, PhD in Public Policy, is the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

“Almost 52 years ago, I decided to give my life to psychedelics“
He received his doctorate in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where he wrote his dissertation on the regulation of the medical uses of psychedelics and marijuana and his Master’s thesis on a survey of oncologists about smoked marijuana vs the oral THC pill in nausea control for cancer patients.
His undergraduate thesis at New College of Florida was a 25-year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Experiment, which evaluated the potential of psychedelic drugs to catalyze religious experiences.
He also conducted a thirty-four-year follow-up study to Timothy Leary’s Concord Prison Experiment. In addition, Rick studied with Dr Stanislav Grof and was among the first to be certified as a Holotropic Breathwork practitioner.
His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal growth for otherwise healthy people, and eventually to become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist.
He founded MAPS in 1986 and currently resides in Boston with his wife and puppy, with three empty rooms from his children, who have all graduated college and begun their life journeys.
His TED Talk, “The Future of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy, ” has over 4 million views.
Rick also wrote the book Manifesting Minds: A Review of Psychedelics in Science, Medicine, Sex, and Spirituality – Featuring essays and interviews with Timothy Leary, Aldous Huxley, Ram Dass, Albert Hofmann, Alexander (Sasha) Shulgin, Daniel Pinchbeck, Tim Robbins, Arne Naess, and electronic musician Simon Posford…
Rick and Maps are hosting this year Psychedelic Science 2023, the largest psychedelic gathering in history, from June 19 to 23 in Denver.
Listen to the interview here:
Interview main topics – and what can you learn in this episode
- Possible risks and benefits of psychedelics.
- The highlights of Rick Doblin’s life.
- Rick’s perfect Set & Setting for a psychedelic experience.
- How Rick Doblin approaches an ideal setup process and post-integration for Set & Setting and integration and setup.
- What motivated Rick to get into the psychedelic world?
- A journey through the evolution of psychedelics.
- What Rick learned founding MAPS.
- About the first study on MDMA (In Madrid!).
- The most important thing about his first and last entheogenic experience was…
- How we can make more conscious use of psychedelics.
- The essential learnings from interviewing Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, Hoffman, Tim Robbins…
- The most shocking discovery ever made by MAPS on psychedelics.
- Rick’s opinion and experience of psilocybin and his predictions for adopting psilocybin as a medical and therapeutic tool.
- Rick’s most significant psychedelic experience.
- The most effective skill of his for this world we live in and why.
- Rick’s essential habits for thriving every day?
- Other books that have influenced Rick Doblin the most and why.
- Rick’s Doblin best practices for optimal mental health.
- Rick’s mission in 2023 and beyond and The role of MAPS in today’s world.
- Recommendations for someone looking to reconnect with themselves.
- Where people can learn more about current scientific studies on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics.
- The psychedelic applications that Rick finds most promising.
- Rapid-fire questions.
- Rick’s parting thoughts.
“We are all in it together“
Rick Doblin’s podcast show notes and resources
Resources, links and people of interest shared by Rick in the interview:
- Manifesting the Mind Rick Doblin’s book.
- Psychedelic Science 2023.
- Drug Set & Setting book.
- The Way of Psychonaut.
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – book.
- Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research – book.
- MAPS website.
- Island – Book
- The Glass Bead Game – book.
- The Treatment Manual – MAPS (free download)
- Descending The Mountain – film.
- Acid test – book.
- How To Change your Mind – Documentary.
- 40-day Microdosing LSD experiment.
- 52-day macrodosing Psilocybin experiment.
- Psilocybin Spanish platform.
- Dennis McKenna interview.
- Jules Evans interview about psychedelics and philosophy.
- Paul Austin interview on microdosing.
“Do the real work so you don’t have to use psychedelics anymore“ – Rick Doblin.
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You can also listen directly from the Disrupt Everything podcast series homepage.
“Socrates, Plato, and others participated in the psychedelic experiences“ – Rick Doblin.