/ Mapmakers.

As it follows…

1. Do precisely what you’ve been told to do. Don’t question your supervisor; obey your teacher.

2. Ask professors edgy questions.

3. Tell your boss or teacher what it’s your best choice among the best available alternatives. Then, push them, or better, push yourself.

4. Surround yourself with authentic people who are constantly creating forward motion.

5. Push, encourage and inspire your team to do things differently. You are trying differently, failing differently, and asking differently. Something that it’s not in their plans.

6. Demand encouragement and motivation. Exchange passion.

7. Launch things that can have an impact.

8. Teach others how to create an impact. Increase discernment about opportunities that scare your team and you.

9. Start all over again.

And that, my friends, is what a leadership supply chain looks like.